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Visitors 144
Modified 12-Jan-19
Created 11-Jan-16
97 photos

MP0044 - Herefords in the SnowMP0068 - Snow CowsMP0084 - Glacier Park GrizzlyMP0072 - Christmas on Main StreetMP0079 - Silverton 4th of JulyMP0103 - Breckenridge ChristmasMP0106 - Silverton WInter NightMP0119 - Champs de MarsMP0121 - Tour EiffelMP0122 - City of LightsMP0123 - Arc de TriompheMP0126 - ZermattMP0128 - Evening at Saint Paul de VenceMP0129 - La Chat BlancMP0130 - Saint Paul de VenceMP0111 - Wind River Milky WayMP0053 - Animas ForksMP0054 - Animas Forks CabinsMP0060 - Hawksbill CragMP0078 - American Basin Sunrise

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Guestbook for All Images
Barbara Wall
Saw photographs in January issue of Arkansas Living and fell back in love with my adopted state. Beautiful work. I'm stuck in CA indefinitely but will return.
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